• Natsuki H. Hayatsu

    Ph.D. in Physics (Astrophysicist)

    I'm a postdoctoral researcher from Japan.

    My science goal is to understand cosmic star-formation history.





    Latest news:

    16-18/01/2024 organization of ALMA workshop !!!

    15/01/2024 my working place (Ishigakijima Astronomical Observatory=IshAstO) got an award!

    6-10/11/2023 poster presentation at JWST/ALMA conference

    ... summer 2023 - just busy busy days ...

    22/06/2023 special lecture at University of the Ryukyu (detail).

    18-19/03/2023 contributed talk at a semi-ana galaxy formation workshop (+LOC, Ja, on site at Ishigakijima Astronomical Observatory)

    01/03/2023 Hayatsu et al. (b) submitted. This project is a kind of halted for a few years due to many reasons. I sincerely thank the co-authors for their encouragements!

    28/02/2023 contributed talk at OISTER workshop (+SOC, Ja, remote)

    12/01/2023 invited talk at VLTI and ALMA Synthesis Imaging Workshop, ESO (En, on site).

    17/11/2022 Hayatsu et al. (a) submitted. It had been submitted once as a letter, but now it is switched to a normal journal.

  • Projects

    What I'm working on

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    I tentatively named this project HELioS; discovery of a Hidden galaxy in an Enriched Line of Sight.

    I have organized an international workshop in March 2020. The left is the group photo! As you see, it was unfortunately a remote meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the workshop was very active and we had fruitful discussions. Now we're preparing/submitting some papers and proposals!

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    This is my PhD project. We have developed a method to detect line-emitter blindly with the statistical reliability.

    I made a script to find a clump in the 3-dim data and my former colleague kindly named it BLiSS; Blind Line Search Script.

    My first paper is here. A figure in it became a front image of PASJ (left). We published the second result as a research note (here).


    I haven't given up to release the developed code in the future! There will be more to come.

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    Involved Projects

    It is my great honor to be involved the following projects:



    (for the other involved projects;TBA, sorry)

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    Other Projects


  • Experiences

    My recent working places

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    European Southern Observatory

    Garching, Germany;

    PhD studentship program

    Oct. 2017

    - Mar. 2019

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    Univ. of Tokyo



    Tokyo, Japan;


    completed in Mar. 2020

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    Normale Supérieure

    Paris, France;

    project researcher

    September 2020 - August 2022

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    Astronomical Observatory,


    Okinawa, Japan;

    project fellow

    September 2022 - Current

  • Publications

    ... and errata.You can also find our publications in ADS by searching " author:"Hayatsu,Natsuki" year:2015-".

  • Skills

    Things I've picked up over the years

    Observations and Telescope

    4 successful proposals as a PI


    > 7 successful proposals as a co-I

    Observation with Subaru telescope

    Data Analysis and Techniques

    Data reduction and analysis ALMA data


    Constructing Blind Line-Search Script with python

    other softwares searching for line emitters

    Simulating and Modelling

    Generating mock ALMA data


    Monte-Carlo simulation

    Simple N-body simulation (complete the training course for graduate students at NAOJ)

    One-zone simulation as a post-process of large cosmological SPH simulation


    ’CLOUDY’ (modeling gas cloud)


    Parallel computing (MPI) using C

    HDF5 library as a result of large cosmological simulation


    XML file as a result of ALMA archival query

    linux, C++, Python, IDL, fortran